Jan 2025【日本東北】溫泉三昧之旅① 在大雪飄落的雪國,追尋秘湯之宿與極上美食(秋田~探訪有日本溫泉界頂點之稱的秘湯乳頭溫泉鶴之湯)













除了秋田犬,秋田也是日本著名的稻米產地,孕育出美味的「秋田小町」米。趁著等車的時間,我們在車站內的“New Days”便利店逛了逛,買了一些紀念品,以及四盒便當,準備等會兒帶上新幹線車廂品嚐。



As the plane descended through the thick clouds, the world below transformed into a sea of white. Large snowflakes danced in the air like goose feathers, blanketing everything in a pristine layer of snow. Buildings, trees, and roads blended into a canvas of white, their outlines blurred and indistinguishable.

Stepping off the plane, a gust of cold wind sent shivers down my spine, yet I was captivated by the enchanting winter wonderland before me. This was winter in Tohoku! Though cold, it exuded a unique charm, like a fairytale world of ice and snow waiting to be explored.

I knew this heavy snowfall was just the beginning, a prelude to the days of dancing with the snow that lay ahead. I was eager to embrace this winter wonderland and experience its unique charm.

Akita prefecture is located in the northern part of Honshu Island, Japan, facing the Sea of Japan. In winter, influenced by the Siberian cold air mass, it experiences incredibly heavy snowfall. I've heard the snow can pile up several meters high!

Winter in Akita, though cold, is full of life and passion. First off, you can go skiing at the Moriyoshizan Ski Resort, speeding down the slopes and feeling the rush! I hear the "juhyo" (ice monsters) there are famous too, but unfortunately, we don't have time to see them this trip.

Besides skiing, Akita offers many other interesting winter activities. At the Yokote Kamakura Festival in Yokote City, you can see all sorts of snow huts, which look even more magical when lit up at night! I hear you can even drink sweet sake and eat mochi inside them!

Of course, when you come to Akita, don't forget to try the local winter cuisine.  A steaming hot "kiritanpo nabe" (rice stick hot pot) with Akita's specialty Hinai chicken and fresh vegetables will warm you right up! And soaking in a nice hot spring during the cold winter is pure bliss!

Upon entering the arrival hall of Akita Airport, I was immediately struck by the imposing figure of a "Namahage". Clad in a wild, straw raincoat, he carried a wooden staff and a bucket filled with white paper strips. His red mask was particularly striking, with its fangs bared and eyes wide open in a fearsome glare, as if he were about to charge forward at any moment.

The "Namahage"  is a traditional folk figure from the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture, a legendary character known to every household. 

Legend has it that the Namahage are messengers of the mountain gods. Every New Year's Eve, they descend upon the villages, going from house to house to drive away laziness and evil, and to bring good luck and a bountiful harvest. They bellow in booming voices, "Are there any crying children? Any disobedient children?", frightening the youngsters into behaving and studying diligently.

Although the Namahage appear frightening, they are actually benevolent beings who come to protect the people. Their image also reflects the hardworking, courageous spirit of the Akita people, who are not afraid of hardship.

The story of the Namahage has been passed down through generations for centuries. Every New Year's Eve, the villagers of the Oga Peninsula hold a "Namahage Festival", where young people dress up as Namahage and visit homes, wishing for peace and good fortune in the coming year.

Next, we took the airport limousine bus to Akita Station. My last visit here was a distant memory, a decade ago.  As I stepped into the station, my eyes were immediately drawn to a giant Akita dog plush toy! It sat in the center of the hall, its pink tongue sticking out in a welcoming grin, embodying the symbol of Akita – the loyal and adorable Akita Inu.

Besides being known for Akita dogs, Akita Prefecture is also famous for its rice production, particularly the delicious "Akitakomachi" variety.  While waiting for our train, we browsed the "New Days" convenience store inside the station, picking up some souvenirs and four bento boxes to enjoy on the Shinkansen.

Our next destination was Lake Tazawa, and we boarded the Komachi Shinkansen to get there.  As the train sped along, the scenery outside transitioned from cityscapes to snow-covered fields, the endless expanse of white a soothing sight. Despite the winter chill outside, the train carriage was warm and cozy, almost lulling me to sleep.

About an hour later, we arrived at Tazawako Station.

Stepping off the train, I was greeted by a rush of crisp, fresh air that instantly invigorated me. Lake Tazawa, known for its deep blue waters and the legend of Tatsuko, is the deepest lake in Japan. I had visited it during my student days. This time, however, our destination was a hidden gem further in the mountains – Nyuto Onsenkyo.




從田澤湖車站前,乘坐路線巴士前往アルパこまくさ(ALPA KOMAKUSA)




來到了日本第一秘湯~乳頭溫泉鄉 鶴之湯





鶴之湯溫泉是乳頭溫泉鄉中最古老的溫泉旅館,擁有超過 300 年的歷史,是被「日本秘湯守護協會」認證的會員。它的歷史可以追溯到江戶時代,當時它作為秋田藩主的溫泉度假勝地。旅館的主樓是一座名為「本陣」的茅草屋頂建築,曾經是守護領主的武士的住所,現在可供人們住宿並一窺過去的生活樣貌。 


這裡的露天風呂,早已聲名遠播。尤其是在冬季,當雪花輕輕飄落,而我浸泡在乳白色的溫泉中,那樣的幸福感,是筆墨難以形容。身體被溫暖的泉水包圍,眼前是夢幻般的雪景,一切煩惱都彷彿消失殆盡。  在這裡,時間彷彿靜止,我只想靜靜地享受這片刻的寧靜與美好。  


泡完露天風呂,還可以到室內溫泉「白湯」、以及「鶴之湯」、「滝之湯」、「大白之湯」、「黒湯」等浴池體驗不同的泉質, 每一個都各有特色。  






Snow fell softly, blanketing the landscape in a pristine layer of white. The air was crisp and tranquil, carrying a faint scent of sulfur from the nearby hot springs. In the beginning of 2025, I journeyed to Japan's Tohoku region, seeking a winter onsen retreat far from the hustle and bustle of city life, and my explorations led us to the legendary Nyuto Onsenkyo.

In winter, Nyuto Onsenkyo is surrounded by trees cloaked in white, as if draped in silvery-white coats. Nestled deep within this serene snowy realm lies the ancient Tsurunoyu Onsen. This secluded hot spring village, tucked away in the depths of Towada-Hachimantai National Park at the foot of Mount Nyuto, had long been on my bucket list. It enjoys a reputation as a haven for onsen enthusiasts and a "must-visit once in a lifetime" destination for travelers seeking an authentic Japanese cultural experience, a reputation I found to be well-deserved.

Located within Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Mount Nyuto is an active volcano on the border of Akita and Iwate Prefectures, standing at an elevation of 1,478 meters. It's renowned for its abundant natural scenery and hot spring resources. The volcanic activity in the area has created over ten different types of hot springs, each with its own unique characteristics and therapeutic properties. The seven traditional inns within Nyuto Onsenkyo each boast their own private hot spring sources, a rarity even in Japan.

During our arrival in Tohoku, Aomori Prefecture experienced record-breaking heavy snowfall, making the journey to Nyuto Onsenkyo an adventure in itself. We took a Tigerair Taiwan flight directly to Akita Airport and then boarded the Shinkansen to Tazawako Station. From there, a scenic 50-minute bus ride through a picturesque, snow-covered landscape brought me to this hidden gem nestled deep in the mountains.

Tsurunoyu Onsen is the oldest hot spring inn in Nyuto Onsenkyo, with a history spanning over 300 years. It's also a certified member of the "Japan Association of Secluded Hot Spring Inns". Its history dates back to the Edo period when it served as a hot spring retreat for the lords of the Akita domain. The main building of the inn, a thatched-roof structure known as "Honjin," once housed the samurai guarding the lord and is now available for guests to stay in, offering a glimpse into the lifestyle of the past.

The open-air baths here are renowned, and rightly so. Especially in winter, as snowflakes gently fell while I soaked in the milky-white hot spring, the sense of bliss was indescribable. Surrounded by the warm water and the magical snowy scenery, all my worries seemed to melt away. Time seemed to stand still, and I just wanted to savor this moment of peace and beauty.

What's most unique is that the open-air baths here are mixed-gender (konyoku). As a man, I had no reservations, but if you're a woman and feel shy, there are also women-only open-air baths available. However, since you've come all this way, why not try this rare experience?

After soaking in the open-air bath, you can also experience different spring qualities in the indoor baths, such as "Shiroyu," "Tsurunoyu," "Takinoyu," "Daihaku-no-yu," and "Kuroyu," each with its own distinct characteristics.

Staying at Tsurunoyu Onsen, besides soaking in the hot springs, you can also savor the inn's carefully prepared Akita regional cuisine and experience the warm atmosphere of a traditional Japanese inn. In the cold winter, enjoying a piping hot local meal paired with local sake is truly one of life's greatest pleasures!

The village exudes an aura of antiquity, harkening back to earlier times when people sought out onsen for their healing and restorative powers. Traditional thatched-roof and bark-covered Japanese inns blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural environment, creating a picturesque landscape reminiscent of a classical Japanese painting.

Each inn in Nyuto Onsenkyo has its own unique character. Kuroyu Onsen boasts abundant hot spring water and has been a popular destination since the Edo period. Its thatched-roof buildings and nearby bathhouse evoke a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era. Taenoyu Onsen, housed in a relocated wooden school building, is notable for its unique architectural style. Ganiba Onsen, surrounded by a beech forest, is famous for its rustic open-air bath. Magoroku Onsen's baths are located along the riverside across from the guest rooms, offering a tranquil and serene setting.

To fully experience the diverse hot springs of Nyuto Onsenkyo, you can purchase the "Yumeguri-cho" (Hot Spring Hopping Pass), available only to overnight guests.  This pass allows you to ride the "Yumeguri-go" shuttle bus, which conveniently transports guests between the different inns, granting access to the hot springs of all seven inns in the onsen village.

Nyuto Onsenkyo is more than just a hot spring resort; it's a journey through time, an opportunity to immerse oneself in the tradition and natural beauty of rural Japan. As I soaked in the soothing waters, surrounded by the snow-covered landscape and the serene mountains, I felt a sense of peace and rejuvenation that I had long sought. This hidden gem in the heart of Tohoku truly lived up to its reputation, leaving me with memories that will last a lifetime.


乳頭温泉郷 鶴の湯温泉の基本情報



秋田乳頭溫泉鄉 - 乳頭温泉組合

【源泉かけ流し】ここぞ、日本温泉界の頂点!/鶴の湯 /乳頭温泉/日本秘湯を守る会/秋田




1. 田沢湖温泉:位於田澤湖附近的溫泉區,擁有多家溫泉旅館和公共浴場。在享受溫泉的同時,還可以欣賞田澤湖的美景。田澤湖溫泉的泉質多樣,主要以硫磺泉為主,泉水呈乳白色,富含礦物質,對皮膚病、神經痛、關節痛等有療效。此外,該地區的溫泉水質透明無色,對肌膚有良好的保養效果。


2. 玉川溫泉:位於秋田縣仙北市的十和田八幡平國立公園內的玉川溫泉,以其強酸性溫泉和豐富的湧泉量聞名全日本。其泉質為pH值約1.2的強酸性泉水,每分鐘湧出約9,000公升,溫度高達98度,被稱為「療養、靜養之湯」。玉川溫泉的泉水含有硫磺味,並含有微量的鐳輻射線,據稱具有高度殺菌力,對多種疾病有療效。


3. 後生掛溫泉:位於秋田縣鹿角市的八幡平國立公園內,海拔約1,000公尺,四周環繞著山毛櫸等樹林,展現四季分明的自然美景。後生掛溫泉擁有多種不同的溫泉設施,如泥湯、蒸氣浴等。這裡的溫泉水質多樣,能夠滿足不同遊客的需求。後生掛溫泉的泉質為單純硫磺泉,呈灰白色濁湯,富含礦物質,對異位性皮膚炎、神經痛、腸胃病等有療效。


4. 水沢溫泉鄉:位於秋田縣仙北市的田澤湖高原地區,坐落於秋田駒岳的山麓,俯瞰美麗的田澤湖。水沢溫泉鄉以豐富的溫泉資源和多樣的住宿設施聞名,溫泉水質主要為硫磺泉,泉水呈乳白色,富含礦物質,對皮膚病、神經痛、關節痛等有療效。其中,深達1米的露天風呂是這裡的一大特色,讓人能夠全身浸泡,徹底放鬆身心。












The morning sunlight filtering through the paper windows gently woke me up. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and walked to the window, pulling back the curtains. Wow! Outside was a world covered in silver, with crystal-clear snowflakes dancing in the air, landing on the eaves and branches. The entire onsen ryokan was enveloped in this white blanket, a breathtakingly beautiful sight.

I took a deep breath of the crisp air, feeling refreshed and invigorated. The thought of leaving this tranquil onsen town today filled me with a sense of reluctance. But at the same time, I was excited about my upcoming trip to Sendai.

After getting dressed, I couldn't wait to head back to the onsen. Pushing open the wooden door to the indoor bath, I was greeted by a wave of warm steam. I could vaguely make out the silhouettes of other guests through the swirling mist. I walked to the edge of the bath and slowly immersed myself in the hot spring water, sighing contentedly.

After the indoor bath, I ventured out to the rotenburo (outdoor bath). Built on the mountainside, it offered stunning views of the surrounding snowy landscape while you soaked. Snowflakes gently landed on my face and body, creating a delightful contrast with the warmth of the onsen.

I fully immersed myself in the tranquility and beauty of the rotenburo, reluctant to leave until my stomach began to rumble. Finally, I got out and headed back to my room to change.

At breakfast time, I made my way to the dining room to enjoy the ryokan's carefully prepared Japanese breakfast. Grilled fish, tamagoyaki (rolled omelet), pickled vegetables, miso soup... each dish was exquisitely presented and delicious, making my mouth water. I savored the meal while admiring the snowy scenery outside the window, feeling content and happy.

Around 9:30 am, I made my way to the lobby and boarded the pre-arranged shuttle bus to the Alpa Komakusa bus stop. The scenery outside was captivating – a continuous stretch of snow-capped mountains and frozen lakes. About ten minutes later, we arrived at the bus stop. I checked the timetable and saw that the next bus down to Tazawako Station was at 10:09, leaving me ample time to leisurely explore the rest stop.

Alpa Komakusa was a small rest stop with a shop featuring exhibits and information about Mount Nyuto. I bought a cup of hot coffee from a vending machine and stepped outside to admire the snow-covered landscape. It had been a while since I'd seen such a beautiful snowy scene, and I was deeply moved.

Time flew by, and soon it was 10:09. We boarded the bus heading down to Tazawako Station. The bus journey was a scenic delight, with the winding mountain roads offering ever-changing vistas. About 30 minutes later, we arrived at the station.

We boarded the 11:08 Tohoku Shinkansen bound for Sendai Station. Sendai, the largest city in the Tohoku region, is a vibrant and modern metropolis, a stark contrast to the quiet onsen town nestled deep in the mountains that we visited yesterday. I was filled with anticipation for the culinary adventure that awaited me in Sendai.













  • 地理位置:橫跨岩手縣和秋田縣的活火山,屬於十和田八幡平國立公園的一部分。
  • 名稱:由來於其山形似馬,故名駒岳。
  • 特色:以高山植物種類繁多聞名,被譽為北日本高山植物的寶庫。每年6月至9月,各種高山植物盛開,特別是7月的駒草群落非常美麗。
  • 登山:是熱門的登山景點,可從八合目搭乘巴士前往,再步行登頂。山頂可遠眺鳥海山、岩手山及田澤湖。
  • 火山活動:屬於活火山,登山前需確認火山活動等級。
  • 歷史故事:在白神山地成為世界遺產的過程中,秋田駒之岳也扮演了重要的角色。由於對林業的過度開發,當地居民發起了保護白神山地自然環境的運動,促使政府重視原始山毛櫸森林的價值,最終將其列為世界遺產。秋田駒之岳周邊地區,如藤里町,過去以林業為生,但現在轉向生態旅遊,展現了人類與自然共生的關係。







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