週末林口在下毛毛雨,查了天氣預報新竹天氣還不錯,下午決定跑一趟尖石鄉,去走一趟 煤源山、比麟山、尖石山 連走,有人稱之為 煤比尖連走 ,也有人稱之為 凌尖縱走 。個人走完全程大約三個半小時(建議抓五個小時)。 從凌空廊道起登,由越嶺稜線路,經煤源山、比麟山到尖石山原路往返。這條路線一路都走在森林中,全程海拔高度的起伏不大,陡上下的路段大概就幾十公尺的高度落差,大部分路段都是平緩的原始山徑,是相對輕鬆,且林相優美的中級山路線。 今天下午才起登,全程途中都沒碰到半個人,只有在比麟山往尖石山中間地點,碰見一群團體正要下山,後來我登頂下山後,又在煤源山附近再次碰到他們。 下山後,我在路旁看見一家由紅磚矮房建造的原住民料理餐廳,決定先吃個晚餐,因為已經肚子餓了,進門前也忘了查詢評價如何,不過出乎預料之外的美味,下次若再來這附近爬山,下山後會再考慮來這裡用餐。 It was drizzling lightly in Linkou over the weekend. I checked the weather forecast, and it looked good in Hsinchu, so in the afternoon, I decided to take a trip to Jianshi Township to hike the route connecting Meiyuan Mountain, Biling Mountain, and Jianshi Mountain. Some call this the Meibi-Jian traverse, while others refer to it as the Lingjian traverse. I personally completed the whole route in about three and a half hours (but it's recommended to allow five hours). The hike starts from the Lingkong Corridor, following the ridgeline trail, passing Meiyuan Mountain, Biling Mountain, and then reaching Jiansh...